Turnaround Launch 10/31/2015 - Winter Launch 1/1/2016
Since achieving our objective of seeing the lower 48 states including most of the major national parks, Linda and I have settled into two major RV trips a year. The first is a turnaround trip to bring the RV into the south in the fall. The end result of this trip is to leave the RV in a storage lot in a southern state. We spend more time on this trip in order to tour the middle states on the way that are not very tourable due to weather in the winter when we take our second major RV trip. We need to get the RV to the south because it is not smart to start our winter trip from New Hampshire due to the possibility of ice or snow in late December. After leaving the RV in a storage lot we drive back to New Hampshire in the car we tow behind the RV.
We call our RV the Aussie Rocket. We bought it from an Australian couple that named it the Aussie Rocket. To follow the Aussie theme we call the car we tow behind the RV (toad in RV speak), Little Roo.
This website will cronicle our turnaround trip and winter trip in 2016. We will spend most of our winter trip in the southwest of the US. We will store the RV in Shreveport LA or Bossier City LA at the end of the turnaround trip. This year is the eighth year we have been RVing. We doubt that we will be going on this type of RV trip for many more years.
The style of this years trip will be different for us. Normally we make very few reservations at RV parks and just work off a general plan of where we will go and how long we will stay. Since this year RVing is more popular and the price of desirable parks are higher, we have reservations for the grand majority of our trip.
We got started late for the turnaround trip but will target visiting Chattanooga TN and Nashville TN on our trip south. We will drive west through Little Rock AR to end up in the Shreveport LA area to leave out RV. Then back to NE for the holidays.
The winter trip will target the southwest. We have not been back there since 2009. We will winter in Arizona, Lower eastern California (Palm Springs), and New Mexico. later in the winter/early spring we will try to see Mesa Verde NP, the four corners and Canyon de Chelly. This will depend on weather.

A major change this year is that Kacey our Wheaten Terrier will be travelling with us.
The second page of this website contains the Overview map of our trip. I will initially create the map with all the RV parks where we have reservations. As we fill out the non-reserved portions of the trip I will modify the map. Note Google maps calculates the path taken between stops. It is not necessarily the path we drive on but it’s not far off.
The next pages in this website will be added as we go along to cronicle the highlights of the trip. Feel free to bookmark the URL to this webpage and come back to it whenever you want to see the current status of our trip. I try to update the website as frequently as possible but a lot of factors could delay it’s being published in a timely fashion. (mostly availability of WIFI in the Parks) I try to update the second page (Trip Map) portion of the website as fast as possible. Thus it may say where we are before a description of what we did shows up. I would recommend always checking the Trip Map page when ever you check the site for changes.
We hope you enjoy this site and feel free to add comments (l love having feedback) about how you like or do not like my site. You should be able to add comments on any page of the site.
Last if you see something that looks wrong about the site or isn’t clear please email me and make a recommendation for a change. Again I love comments!