Depart From Annandale - 1/2/2016 - Arrive Shreveport LA 1/5/2016
We left from Annandale the day after New Years day. It was a four day trip back to Shreveport LA. We drove 8 to 10 hours a day averaging about 400 miles a day. I made a major mistake going from NY to NJ and it cost us a lot of miles and a lot of time.
The RV was stored at Store Here Self Storage. It was located in a lot behind the storage buildings. The lot seemed to be very secure. They had a 6” fence with razor wire on top. Gated entry and the staff looked at it every day. Reasonably priced (about $6n.nn for the almost 2 months). 318-364-8884
After we arrived in the storage park and got the RV ready to travel (re-connect batteries, etc), we went to an RV Park at Diamond Jacks Casino in Shreveport. We had stayed there before we dropped the RV off off for storage. We stayed two nights to allow us to rest and restock the RV with food.

Drive By Daiquiris with a Happy Hour! Only in Louisiana - You just can’t make this shit up.
It’s not just New Orleans thats got the Funk! Some how when you are living in the RV Park in the parking lot of Diamond Jacks Casino this roadside attraction does not seem out of place.
We left Shreveport and started travelling across TX. Our first stop was in Mineral Wells TX. This RV Park was out in the Texas countryside with cattle next store.
This is Kacey’s first time she has seen cattle. She initially did not know what to do. But she seemed to get the hang of herding. She ran around a little nuts and barked a lot. Just enough to irritate the cow and drive him back to the herd. Who knew.
Driving across TX to get to Arizona is a long boring drive. Every once in a while you get a sighing that perks things up. We say an establishment in back road TX called the Blind Horse Saloon and Dance hall. It was a low run down building with a world class name.
When the weekend arrived we were in Van Horn TX. We decided to stay an extra day to give us a break from driving and allow Linda to do laundry which is her least favorite thing to do on the road. This was the first NFL playoff weekend so we also got to see most of the playoff games with little loss of travel time. The first night we went out to the local steak house and met some of the locals and fellow RVer’s. It was a fun meal and it got us an invitation to visit Quartzite and a recommendation for a breakfast place for Sunday morning. Van Horn is not exactly a scenic garden spot but it was a nice break in the trip. Kacey and I had a mini encounter with our first roadrunner on the trip when I was walking her around the RV park. Very Kool!

After the long ride through TX we had a short stretch through New Mexico. On the side of the road was a huge metal sculpture that we had seen years before. This is one of the really great thing about traveling across america. You see really interesting things like a Huge metal Roadrunner on a hill on the side of the road.