A Dark Irish Lad - Puppy Heartthrob

We were staying at Distant Drums RV Resort in Camp Verde AZ. This is an Indian owned RV Resort that is a block away from the Cliff Castle casino (also indian owned). One RV away from ours was a real puppy heartthrob for Kasey, Sully! Sully is an Irish Wheaten who was a 5 year old (older man). They hit it off right away including doing the Wheaten Greeting. Sully was a champion at obedience training. He was cut (groomed) differently than normal because he was attacked by a pit bull and needed stitches. Thus a lot of his hair was close cropped. His hair was growing back in a darker puppy coat color because of the skin damage. This was the first Wheaten that Kacey has met up close since she was a puppy at home with her mother. She liked Sully very much. I think the feeling was mutual. 

Kacey toured Sedona AZ with us and strutted her stuff around town. She even got her own custom dog bowl for water at the restaurant. 

Kacey got to tour Mesa Verde in the car. She could only get out in limited places so we only have a couple of pictures of her. In the beginning of driving into Mesa Verde National Park you drive up into the high plateau that the cliff dwellings are off. The road goes up over 8000 feet and there were still patches of snow. This was one of the early times in Kacey’s life that she experianced snow so the video on the left of this text is of her playing in a patch of icy snow. She did quite a good job of entertaining the other tourists in the area with her antics in the snow. This video does not do full justice of her performance but it gives an idea of how crazy she got.

(Note there are a pair of double arrows in this video border that allows you to bring it to full screen.)

© James Okvist 2015