Day Two - Mt Philo

On day two we had breakfast on the veranda with the other guests and their pups. Good breakfast omelet and associated stuff. Fun dog interplay and discussion with the other dog owners.

After breakfast we went to Mt Philo State Park in Charlotte VT. This 237-acre park is located atop Mt. Philo (968' elevation) and overlooks the Lake Champlain Valley and the Adirondack Mountains of New York. Very scenic, maybe the best scenic views in VT! Well worth the trip.

After MT Philo we stopped for local ice cream and then went for an early dinner to Cafe Provence in Brandon VT. The owner and chief chef is Robert who I believe runs the culinary school in Burlington VT. The food and service were excellent. A good find in a small Vermont town. Thanks Paw House Inn for the recommendations all weekend.

© James Okvist 2016